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Devotional - 20th May 2020

'O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker' (Psalm 95:6).

God is such an awesome God! Even when we don't deserve His love, his grace or mercy; He is still looks after us and cares for us. He is our Creator, and of such is worthy of our praise. We ought to come in His presence with humility as we humble ourselves before Him. He is a great king above all gods, not to be compared with graven images made by man. He is the God of the universe; the one who created mankind in His image. How can we not worship Him? He is inviting us to come, worship, bow down and kneel before Him our Creator. Will you accept His invitation today? Let us then come and kneel before Him with all that is within us. To worship Him in spirit and in truth. If we can show respect for our fellow men by rising before them; how much more should we show our respect and reverence to God our Maker?

When we come before God we should have attitude of reverence and total respect as we prostate ourselves before Him, because He is holy and righteous. In prayer and supplication we should reverently kneel or stand and have a deep sense of  God's presence and greatness. Isn't God wonderful to you? His love knows no end and was demonstrated on the Cross, when He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ to die, for us sinners. Why not then worship Him as He deserves? Let us accept the invitation and come into God's presence, let us worship and bow down and kneel before Him as we surrender all to Jesus. Our soul is made for God, and can only find its rest In Him. In worship we can find that sweet rest, that refreshes us and propels us to kneel before our amazing Creator, as we wholly give our service to Him.

Have a wonderful day 🌹🌹


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