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Devotional - 12th Aug 2020

 'For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper' (Psalm72:12).

Throughout His ministry Jesus was always concerned about the poor and needy, the vulnerable and outcast. He didn't just see their physical  needs but more so, their spiritual needs. They were not treated well by society so Jesus made concessions for them. In times of need He was their deliverer. Jesus is kind, tender and compassionate towards these groups of people and for those who could not help themselves, nor seem to find help in others. They can always look to Jesus, for He is looking for them. It is interesting to note that we are all in need of Jesus, when we cry out to him from the depths of our souls, He hears and addresses our needs. Christ is all the mediator we need. He hears our cry and delivers us from our troubles, out of the hands of our enemies and supplies our need at the same time. In His sermon on the mount Christ also refer to the poor in the spiritual context. "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for their is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:3). Those who are poor in spirit, needs to acknowledge their spiritual poverty and look to Jesus for true riches. God will give them gold tried in the fire, so they may become rich in Him. His grace is sufficient for them - for all of us. For those who cannot help themselves, Christ promises to deliver them from their miserable condition into a state of happiness. When we feel our need, realise our spiritual poverty and helplessness, we then cry our to God for deliverance, and He will hear and save us. Whether we are able to to take care of our physical needs or not; we must realise we are all spiritual needy, poor, wretched, blind and in need of a Saviour. It is this awareness that leads us to reverence and worship God. Let us then examine ourselves and our attitudes towards those who are considered needy in the viewpoint of Christ. How can we help to make a difference in the lives of the poor, needy and destitute of society; physically, spiritually or materially?

Have a wonderful day🌹🌹


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