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Devotional - 16th Feb 2021

 'For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God' (Hebrews 3:4).

Jesus Christ is the greatest man to ever walked this earth. He being the Son of God, was appointed by God to come down and be the Saviour for man. In other words, It was God himself in the form of his Son, who came to rescue man from sin and death, by dying for them. Christ was faithful to God from beginning to end. He is not only our Master Teacher; our Master Healer, but He is our Master Builder, who built everything. Every house that is built has a builder, and the builder is greater than the house because he built it. How much more then, should Jesus not be greater than us, who is  our Creator and  Builder of our lives? We are God's workmanship, His masterpiece and he has created us anew in Christ, so we can do the good things he planned for us before hand (Ephesians 2:10). Jesus created the world both visible and invisible. He is the Word that became flesh and dwell amongst us; by whom all things were made, and was the fulfilment of all things. He was the Author and Finisher of our faith. He was indeed God, but  became the incarnate Son of God to free us from sin. Therefore, we should have confidence in following Him and trusting in His promises. Even though Moses was a powerful and faithful servant of God, he was not superior to Christ who was also the Builder of his life. It was Christ who made an offering of Himself once and for all to atone for our sins. He is worthy of our worship and allegiance. We should believe on Him and give our hearts to him, accepting His sacrifice for our sin. It is only through Him we can gain everlasting life. Moses was used by God to deliver His people from Egypt and to build-up the physical house of Israel; but it is God who is the true Builder and Maker. The spiritual house of God is being built-up daily by Christ, and all those who believe in him are built as living stones into God's spiritual house. Let us ever trust in the living God, learn to conduct ourselves orderly and graciously in the household of God. We are all one body, but many members in Christ. Let us be thankful to God, that by His grace through our faith in Christ, we are become living stones built up by Him in his spiritual house. Look to Jesus today, only He can save us.

Have a wonderful day 🌹🌹


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