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Devotional - 15th Mar 2021

 'Ye are blessed of the Lord which made the heaven and the earth'
(Psalm 115:15).

There is a Creator who made the heaven and earth and all that is therein - God. Some people may doubt there is a God,  but He is real and the only true and living God. He is our Protector, Provider and Defender who save us  through the blood of his Son, Jesus Christ. He blesses and brings relieve to all our situations and sufferings. Is nature is to bless, both temporal and spiritual; and delights in blessing his children who fear Him. God blesses everyone upon this earth with temporal blessings, but spiritual blessings, He bestows upon those who chose to obey Him and believe on Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour from sin. We are blessed spiritually when we know the Lord, and our sins are pardoned by him; When we are justified by the righteousness of Christ, becoming heir of God and joint heir with Christ; we are become highly favoured and blessed of the Lord. We ought to trust God completely and have confidence in His ability to save us from the utmost. We must submit our will to His and make Him centre of our lives. We do not need an outward emblem of stone, nor wood, nor animals to worship as our God, because God is a spirit and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth. We need nothing to take the place of God in our lives. These gods cannot see, hear, speak or touch or smell. But God has eyes and sees all things; He has a mouth to speak and speaks everywhere; He has ears to hear us when we call and hands to reach out and comfort us. "His hand is not shortened that it cannot save, nor his ears heavy that it cannot hear"
(Isaiah 59:1). Our God is is a living God who reigns in heaven and earth. He is All-Wise, All-Powerful and Ever-Present and will bless all those who fear Him. Let us take time to appreciate and reflect on the God of the heaven and the earth; to have confidence in who He is and believe in Jesus our Lord and submit our will to the power of the Holy Spirit, knowing that He who has promised to bless will do so bountifully and even extend those blessings to our children.

Have a wonderful day 🌹🌹


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