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Devotional - 15th Jun 2021

 'Blessed is the people who know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance' (Psalm 89:15).

The purpose by which man was created was for God's pleasure and for them to glorify, honour and worship Him. As His creation, we would also have the pleasure of knowing Him. God is a creative Being and it gives him pleasure to have beings he can have a relationship with. All who are in  Heaven and earth should give homage to the true and living God. God's people are blessed when they hear the joyful call to worship, and will walk in the light of his presence. They will rejoice in His name all the day and exult His righteousness (verses 15,16). When you know God and build up that personal relationship with him, you will learn to rejoice in Him, to walk in fellowship and continuous communion with him. We rejoice when we experience God's favour in our lives, knowing we don't deserve it. All who have a relationship with God will not just hear the joyful sound, but will know it. Christ, our wonderful Saviour has atoned for our sins with his precious blood. He has given us the assurance that there is salvation for all who by faith believe in His blood and in obedience of him  us who died for us and is now in heaven interceding on our behalf.  The Sheep knows his master's voice and will only follow Him. Likewise, when we know the Saviour, we must be able to distinguish the joyful sound of the gospel from all other sound; and receive it by faith allowing it to penetrate the heart, as we become happy and enjoy the gracious presence of God. Let us be grateful for the favour God has granted us, that allow us to walk in light of his countenance. Let us learn to govern ourselves by His direction and allow Him to guide our steps each day; to keep rejoicing and to be an influence to others as we keep ourselves in His amazing love.

Have a wonderful day 🌹🌹


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