'Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that causeth to err from the words of knowledge'
(Proverbs 19:27).
In life we have instuctions from parents, teachers, employers, government, religious leader, about how we should behave, what we should do and how. However, the greatest instructions comes from God in his Word. Anytime we cease to listen to the instruction given by God, we will err from the word of knowledge - the word of the living God. God's word of grace, wisdom, and knowledge, give knowledge of who He is, his salvation and Sovereignty. We need no other Word, but the Word of God, the instructions in it gives life to the soul. Worldly instruction will ruin us, therefore, we need to guard our ears against such. Let whatever we say and do agree with God's Word. 1 Corinthians 15:33 states, "Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners." There are evil people in this world and there are false teachers who are all working under Satan's influence to turn our hearts away from God's truth. We must seek earnestly to know God and His Word for ourselves that we will not corrupt our thoughts and manners. Remember Satan is behind all their thinking, as he is the father of all lies. Listen to God speaks to you, know his voice and listen to his instruction through his Word and the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us refrain from being tossed about with winds of false doctrine and follow Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Have a wonderful day
Devotional 'The Lord is their strength, and he is the saving strength of his anointed' (Psalm 28:8). The Lord our God is the glory of our strength, and in His name we shall rejoice all the day. The Lord is our strength, and the saving strength of His anointed. It is through Christ our anointed that all our blessings come to us. Here we see David, who is a type of our Lord Jesus, praising God. What about you? Christ had done much for us and has achieved full salvation for us, therefore, praise Him! We, like Israel are encouraged that the Lord is our Strength and salvation. When we seek to be in a relationship with God, He will protect us from our enemies and save us from the crutches of Satan. Just as how Satan attempts to destroy Christ many times, whilst he was on earth, God saved him and will do the same for us. Christ died to save us all, but it is those who trust Him and have a saving relationship with him that will spend eternity with. He is our High Priest, and J...
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