'He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant forever: holy and reverend is his name'
(Psalm 111:9).
God's love is amazing and perfect. Sin could not prevent or stop Him from loving us! His love goes beyond what we can ever think or imagine. When Israel cried out to Him in Egypt, He sent Moses to redeem them from the bondage of slavery; but more importantly, when sin came into the world, He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to redeem his people from the bondage of sin. All those who accepted Christ as their Saviour and Redeemer, God has sent them to spread His Word of redemption to a world in darkness, through the power of His Holy Spirit. He has commanded His covenant of grace to his people forever through Christ. It is only through Christ and that anyone can be saved. He has redeemed us, and we are His. God's covenant cannot be altered, because it has been ratified by the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, we must love and fear God. He is holy and his name is holy and reverend. It is Christ who saves us from the crutches of Satan and sets us free. And if Christ set us free, we are free indeed! Let us thank God for Jesus, and His mercies towards us, who by His blood has established a more better and excellent sacrifice than those of animals set upon better promises. We have so much to be grateful and thankful for, that the act of redemption was completed in Christ our Redeemer. Let us seek to reverend the name of the Lord, which is holy. Because at the name of the Lord, we ought to rejoice with trembling as we uttered it in awe. Let us seek the Lord right now, when He can be found, obey His Word, do His will and reverend His holy name. Christ paid it all for us on Calvary that through him we can be saved for eternity. We can have all of that, if we choose to make him first and last in our lives.
Have a wonderful day
Devotional 'The Lord is their strength, and he is the saving strength of his anointed' (Psalm 28:8). The Lord our God is the glory of our strength, and in His name we shall rejoice all the day. The Lord is our strength, and the saving strength of His anointed. It is through Christ our anointed that all our blessings come to us. Here we see David, who is a type of our Lord Jesus, praising God. What about you? Christ had done much for us and has achieved full salvation for us, therefore, praise Him! We, like Israel are encouraged that the Lord is our Strength and salvation. When we seek to be in a relationship with God, He will protect us from our enemies and save us from the crutches of Satan. Just as how Satan attempts to destroy Christ many times, whilst he was on earth, God saved him and will do the same for us. Christ died to save us all, but it is those who trust Him and have a saving relationship with him that will spend eternity with. He is our High Priest, and J...
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