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Devotional - 14th Dec 2021

 'For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance' (Romans 11:29)

God promises are sure,  and He has never broken His promises, unlike us humans beings.
God promises of an everlasting covenant to Abraham, then Isaac and Jacob was inclusive of their descendants. It wasn't just Israel, but all who would believe in Christ and are saved.
The promises given to the Patriarchs were gifts from God. Abraham believed God by faith and was accounted righteous.
Paul pointed out that these gifts and callings were irrevocable or without repentance.
These promises of God were based on God's own goodness; therefore, no matter how deeply Israel sinned in rejecting faith in Christ as the Messiah, those promises would not be revoked.
God love for Israel saw him calling them back into a loving and saving relationship with Himself.
We too as Christians, and of Abraham's seed, are all included in these great promises of God. When we forget God and stray away from him, He is calling us back into a relationship with Him.
God had granted gifts and calling for the Patriarchs  and will show mercy to all of their descendants, who come to Him through faith in Christ for the forgiveness of our sins.
We do serve an awesome and mighty God. Whatever He purposes,  or promises to give to His people, he never repent or reverses.
God had called Israel to be a light to those heathen nations around, but they stumbled and fall, due to their unbelief.
However, the promises of God's everlasting covenant stood firm.
All who heed the call of God is called to be light to a dying world. God had given us also his spiritual gifts to equipped us for service, to be that light to those in darkness.
God had never regretted the gifts he had given to those three patriarchs or his calling of them, because He is God and changes not - it was irrevocable.
Let us appreciate God's calling and the spiritual gifts he has bestow upon us, and by faith accept them in Christ Jesus. We must believe that our God doesn't go back on His promises. He will make covenant with us and bring conditions to it, but the promises to the Patriarchs and all their descendants have not been nullified or supersedes. All who believed in Christ as the Messiah will be saved by grace through faith and receive the gift of God's free salvation.
Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering. He who is faithful had promised (Hebrews 10:23).

Have a wonderful day


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