'Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our ancestors'
(Malachi 2:10).
There were those who were considered professed messengers of God - the priests, that was unfaithful to God, hence the people were unfaithful to each other.
The people of Israel disobeyed God and blamed him for the consequences of their sins, when they were the ones who disregarded God's law and violated the covenant of their ancestors.
In our time, God's people has disregarded the law and principles of God and sometimes treat others as if they too weren't created by the same God.
Malachi the prophet of God asked these rhetorical questions in light of the situation. "Have we not all one Father? hath not one God created us?"
The nation of Israel had one father, and was created by God as a nation (Deut. 32:6). However they have become faithless to one another and had violated God's covenant, which he commanded them to keep, therefore being unfaithful to God. The prophet continued the question, "Why do we deal treacherously every against his brother...?"
That may be perverting justice, disrespectful of each other; being prejudice. God doesn't appreciate such behaviour and send a stark warning to Israel. But when we look at what's happening in our time, it is also a message for us to be faithful to God and respect each other.
The Jewish people, who God saw has his special people to bring light to other heathen nations around, committed two heinous crimes against God and each other. Some inter-married with pagan women around them, while others divorced their wives in order to marry pagan women (verse 11).
It is God who created the institution of marriage in the Garden of Eden between Adam and Eve, and bless it for himself.
Israel ignored God's truth regarding the sanctity of marriage, and inter-married with women who knew nothing about their God and their faith.
We as Children of God should learn from Israel's failures and mistakes. The same issues are still happening in our time, where people are unequally yoked in marriage. Some married others outside of the church or leave their wives or husbands and marry outside of their faith. Let us be faithful to God in all our dealings and to each other. Some have left God and gone astray seeking after other gods. God's concern is for the holiness of his name and the holiness of his people who bear witness to the holiness of his name.
God is merciful and long suffering and is calling his people back to him because of his love for them. Let us hold steadfast to Jesus and be faithful. We have a God who is faithful and has established a covenant relationship with us. Let us respond to that by faith in Christ, and learn what it looks like in our lives to guard the covenant of marriage, as we contemplate God's covenant of grace.
Have a wonderful day
Devotional 'The Lord is their strength, and he is the saving strength of his anointed' (Psalm 28:8). The Lord our God is the glory of our strength, and in His name we shall rejoice all the day. The Lord is our strength, and the saving strength of His anointed. It is through Christ our anointed that all our blessings come to us. Here we see David, who is a type of our Lord Jesus, praising God. What about you? Christ had done much for us and has achieved full salvation for us, therefore, praise Him! We, like Israel are encouraged that the Lord is our Strength and salvation. When we seek to be in a relationship with God, He will protect us from our enemies and save us from the crutches of Satan. Just as how Satan attempts to destroy Christ many times, whilst he was on earth, God saved him and will do the same for us. Christ died to save us all, but it is those who trust Him and have a saving relationship with him that will spend eternity with. He is our High Priest, and J...
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