'Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else' (Isaiah 45:22).
As sinners we are frail and helpless and cannot help ourselves. Our only help comes from the Lord, our Creator. We cannot save ourselves either; it is only through the blood of Jesus, as we look to Him the Author and Finisher of our faith. The Scripture says, "Look unto me." In other words, direct your attention to Me, the One who can save you. For I am God, listen to me! I am God and there is none else. God is merciful, kind, forgiving, compassionate, and His love has no end. We can therefore be confident that He can save us; and trust in His amazing grace. We don't even deserve His love and His mercy, but His love covers us. Those who look to Him for salvation will be saved. Why? Because He is God and there is none like him. Isaiah 40: 28 says, "Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding." He is our infinite God who is never weary of hearing from us.
After Israel fail to be the light to the Gentiles and rejected the Messiah, God called the gentile nation to come to Him for salvation. All they had to do was believe and confess Jesus His Son, as their Lord and Saviour. Through the prophet Isaiah, God appealed to them to look to Him and be saved, because He is God and there is no other. God is inviting us all to do likewise and come to Him and be saved. He is calling us to spread the gospel of salvation to all ends of the earth to those who are dead to sin, that they may turn to God and be save. Let us be intentional in spreading the everlasting gospel with great urgency, that men, women and children can be saved from sin. So when Jesus returns we can go home with him and be with Him forever.
Have a wonderful day🌹🌹
As sinners we are frail and helpless and cannot help ourselves. Our only help comes from the Lord, our Creator. We cannot save ourselves either; it is only through the blood of Jesus, as we look to Him the Author and Finisher of our faith. The Scripture says, "Look unto me." In other words, direct your attention to Me, the One who can save you. For I am God, listen to me! I am God and there is none else. God is merciful, kind, forgiving, compassionate, and His love has no end. We can therefore be confident that He can save us; and trust in His amazing grace. We don't even deserve His love and His mercy, but His love covers us. Those who look to Him for salvation will be saved. Why? Because He is God and there is none like him. Isaiah 40: 28 says, "Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding." He is our infinite God who is never weary of hearing from us.
After Israel fail to be the light to the Gentiles and rejected the Messiah, God called the gentile nation to come to Him for salvation. All they had to do was believe and confess Jesus His Son, as their Lord and Saviour. Through the prophet Isaiah, God appealed to them to look to Him and be saved, because He is God and there is no other. God is inviting us all to do likewise and come to Him and be saved. He is calling us to spread the gospel of salvation to all ends of the earth to those who are dead to sin, that they may turn to God and be save. Let us be intentional in spreading the everlasting gospel with great urgency, that men, women and children can be saved from sin. So when Jesus returns we can go home with him and be with Him forever.
Have a wonderful day🌹🌹
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