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Devotional - 18th Mar 2021

 days' (John 12:48).

Faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God is paramount in the salvation of man. He was the incarnate Word of God and the fulfilment of God's written Word. He became flesh and dwell among men, as the embodiment of the eternal God, through whom all things were made. He came to save us from the bondage of sin and to restore us back to the Father. We receive the free gift of salvation offered by God, through the blood of Jesus Christ, and can be attained when we accept by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, that he is the Son of God. Christ said that if anyone hear his words and believe not, he doesn't judge them, because the reason he came was not to judge the world, but to save the world (see John 12:47). He went on to say, that all who reject him and his message will be judged on the day of Judgement by this same truth he had spoken. In other words, "I am here to save you; to establish a means of salvation for all who will believe on me, not to judge you, but a day is coming when you will be judged on these same truth." For those who reject Him and his message will not have any part in that salvation. But will be judged by the same "words" that He has spoken; on the day of judgement at his Second Coming. All generations, past and present who did not believe in Christ and had rejected Him will be lost forever. It is Christ alone, that provides the means of salvation and if we dont believe in him, we don't believe in God; if we reject Christ we also reject God, who has sent him and therefore we will have no part with God. Christ's mission was to come and save his people. He came in the form of man, so he could be more relatable in seeking to save us. Let us not be blinded by the truth of God, and be deaf to His Word, lest we fall in the same trap of those who had rejected the Saviour. He is now in the process of judging the world as our righteous Judge and will be coming back to this earth to vindicate his people and give of his just reward. Let us keep trusting and believing in Jesus. It will be worth it in the end!

Have a wonderful day 🌹🌹


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