'For God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding'
(Psalm 47:7).
God is indeed the great King over all the earth. The ruler of all nations; the God of the universe. We ought to sing praises unto Him with understanding, that He is the King of all the earth. Let us worship with psalms and prayers; and praise God thoughtfully, intelligently and with deep appreciation of His Sovereignty and Providence. Let us make melody in our hearts to the King, in singing of hymns and psalms with understanding. We must understand what it is we are singing and why we are singing; and be delighted and enjoy what we are singing to the most high God. To him who seek to understands the wisdom and knowledge of God, and accept by faith the Lord Jesus Christ; let them sing praise to the King of all the earth joyfully. Let us sing praises and give honour to our exalted Redeemer; exalt His name, celebrate Him and confess that He is our Creator, Redeemer and Lord. He is the glory of God the Father. Let us endeavour to have our hearts filled with great and good thoughts of God, as the Psalmist did. Let us seek to do the will of God by submitting to Him our will, because He knows what is good for us better than we do for ourselves. Let us not be ashamed to praise our God, but to praise Him as our King with understanding.
Have a wonderful day
Devotional 'The Lord is their strength, and he is the saving strength of his anointed' (Psalm 28:8). The Lord our God is the glory of our strength, and in His name we shall rejoice all the day. The Lord is our strength, and the saving strength of His anointed. It is through Christ our anointed that all our blessings come to us. Here we see David, who is a type of our Lord Jesus, praising God. What about you? Christ had done much for us and has achieved full salvation for us, therefore, praise Him! We, like Israel are encouraged that the Lord is our Strength and salvation. When we seek to be in a relationship with God, He will protect us from our enemies and save us from the crutches of Satan. Just as how Satan attempts to destroy Christ many times, whilst he was on earth, God saved him and will do the same for us. Christ died to save us all, but it is those who trust Him and have a saving relationship with him that will spend eternity with. He is our High Priest, and J...
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